Today I'm talking of my dog, called XANTIA, "xantia de la Feixa" it's her real name.
It's a female, her breed is Schnauzer.Her fur is black and white. And she wears a collar ofMickey Mouse!
She has got lots of advantages, for example: her fur didn't fall, she doesn't do pee at home, she is very friendly, she never bites, etc.
But she also has inconvenients: you have to walk out with her three times at day, some times she doesn't eat, if you don't wash her she smell very bad! etc.
But when I come home she always become very happy!
Here, there are two photos of her:
She is very nice!!***
5 comentaris:
Hello Paulins!!! =)
Your dog is nice, but my dogs are nicer than your dog! jejeje
Remember you're a fantastic friend!
Paulins & Judit friends for life!!!
A lot of kisses!***
Hi, Paula!!!**=)
Xantia is a nice dog.
It's funny.
I love it!!!*
You have a lots of original writings!!! =)
More interesting then my writings!!! jui
I love you !!!
I send you a lots of kisses!!!
KARLA&PAULeta!!!! for always =)
Paulins of my heart :O
How are you?
I love Xantia too but sometimes she bites me, because she is always very nervous!
What about the carnival? Will you go out on Saturday? Will you be disguised?
Already you will explain it to me =)
One kiss Paulaa!
Thank you very much for your comments!
I'm very happy!!! ***
Hello Paulaaa!!!
WoooH I like the Blogg!!
how are you?¿?
I went wait that always aixis and that not cambis never for that you are very well given birth oks in expensive that we are not many friends have dens|hideouts be!!jeje
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